Valuable Metals

Identifying Valuable Metals When Sorting...

Whenever you're sorting through items you find in a storage unit, you're probably accustomed to making multiple categories: items for quick resale, valuable antiques, things to sell at flea markets. If you want to maximize your profits, you...

Should You Go To Every Storage Auction?

It's easy to get overwhelmed with auctions. If you live in a reasonably large city, you can find several auctions per week, and your entire weekend can swiftly be overtaken with auctions. While more auctions can translate into better odds at...


Storage Aggregators Hijack Business Listings

With the storage business gaining so much popularity in recent years, it only makes sense that other businesses would find a way to jump into the industry. One of the things you've probably come across while searching for a storage unit is a...

Angry Storage Facility

Storage Facilities Lose Patience With...

Despite what the recent storage wars craze might lead you to believe, storage facilities are not in the business of holding auctions. Instead, their business is in renting out space for people to store their belongings. Storage auctions...


Copyright Law May Threaten Resale Businesses

Most people don’t think twice about reselling their items. After all, once you’ve purchased something, you’re free to do with it what you will regardless of what the item is or what logos it displays, right? Based on some recent court...

Tax Season

Tax Season Brings Out the Buyers

One of the requirements of any resale business is having enough disposable income to cover the purchase and storage of your merchandise. When it comes to storage auctions, it’s important to have enough money in the bank to cover a few...

Storage Auction Forum Acquires Storage Auction...

Texas Storage Auction Schedules & News recently acquired the largest storage auction community on the web, and merged this site into It currently has over 3,500 members from across the...