When you think of family friendly activities, storage auctions probably aren’t the first thing that come to mind. And it’s certainly true that these auctions are no place for children. All the same, there’s real value in bringing your family along with you to auctions, especially if you have teenage children who are interested in finding their place in the world and making a bit of extra money. With the economy undergoing major changes, it’s no surprise that the younger generation will need to blaze their own paths more than their ancestors did, and learning the basics of a resale business at a young age can make that much easier.
If you are thinking of bringing your kids to a few storage auctions, be smart about it:
-- Participate in a few auctions yourself first so that you know what to expect.
-- Don’t bring very young children; your kids need to be quiet, well-behaved and able to stand in the sun for hours without too much complaint.
-- Don’t bring your kids unless they’re able to complete physical labor like hauling trash, picking up boxes or sweeping out a unit.
-- Discuss what you’re doing with them in advance, particularly when it comes to the money aspects, so that the trip can be educational in more than one way.
By discussing bidding strategies and the basics of resale to your kids, you establish a solid framework for them to build upon into adulthood. You gain a few extra sets of strong arms to help out at storage auctions, and your kids learn valuable lessons about the value of hard work. Overall, it’s a win-win situation for everyone.
Storage Auctions for Family Bonding