When you spend time in the auction business, you quickly discover that not every item you find can be sold at a profit. Fortunately, there are a few ways to recover some of your investment on items that you can't or don't wish to sell. One of...

Should Children Be Allowed To Attend Storage Auctions?
As storage auctions gain in popularity, they begin to draw a wider audience than its usual clientele. Auctions are more crowded...
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Online Storage Auctions Spark a Technological Revolution
For years, the storage auction business operated in much the same way: A storage unit would go into default, the property manager...
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Using Storage Auctions to Furnish Your Home For Next to Nothing
When most people consider the storage auction industry, they're approaching it as a way to make money by reselling the items...
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Are Storage Facilities Resisting the Status Quo?
Across the country, storage auctions are finally starting to settle down after the Storage Wars craze. Most of the newcomers...
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Storage Wars: Canada
Despite the controversy surrounding Storage Wars and Dave Hester's allegations against it, the show continues to be the most...
Read MoreMark Balelo – sometimes known on the show as “Rico Suave”– was found dead on Monday, two days after being arrested on suspicion of drug possession. Fans knew him as a flamboyant, deep-pocketed buyer who appeared on several episodes...
SealedOnlineBids.com has recently merged with StorageBattles.com and will continue doing business under the latter's name. Altogether, these two sites have over 25,000 registered bidders and cover auctions for 1,000 different...
As the old saying goes, no man is an island – and this is especially true for small business owners and independent contractors. The success of your resale business depends largely on the people you know and the contacts you build, and taking...
When most people consider the storage auction industry, they're approaching it as a way to make money by reselling the items found inside. It's certainly possible to make a decent profit on items found in a storage unit; However, there's...
Storage facilities have been experiencing an all-time high in auction attendance in the last few years thanks to the popularity of auction and resale reality shows. Eager treasure-hunters have been showing up in droves to auctions, often...
eBay is a valuable resource for auction hunters and people who own resale businesses. Although you can get a lot of mileage out of Craigslist and yard sales, eBay continues to be the best way to sell specialty items to the people who want them...
It's not often that the glamorous world of celebrity stardom intersects with the humbler industry of storage auctions, but auction hunters may get a rare treat soon. Lindsay Lohan, an actress whose name has become synonymous with...
Roy Richardsreviewed 5 months ago Quality Excellent I just signed up for this site. It saves me a lot of time and guess work. Excellent site! Makes it easy! Carl Freemanreviewed 7 months ago Overall Excellent Great web site and the owner...
People in the storage auction industry have long speculated that the reality TV show Storage Wars is more fiction than reality. Now, a lawsuit from the show's own David Hester has blown the scandal wide open. Whether the fall-out will make a...